Sunday, December 18, 2011


Y'all must be off doing fun holiday stuff. I don't remember the last time I posted first. Here goes:

Good stuff:
- Vicky's 19th bday is tomorrow. Where've all those years gone?
- Eric, Alex and I went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra yesterday. It was a great show, as always.
- The decorating I'm going to do is done. I even found all the Christmas stockings. Every year I plan to put them away with the decorations, and every year the rest of my family hides them.
- Moved the rocking chair upstairs.
- Swam twice; skipped the third after I cut myself at work. The Y doesn't like people swimming with open wounds, and I'm good with that 'cause it's a salt water pool.
- Christmas shopping is done, and I've even done a test stuff of the kids' stockings.
- Knitted not one but two scarves.
- Remembered afternoon supplements every day.

Not so good stuff:
- Wrote closer to 2,000 words, far short of the 5,000 I wanted.
- Spent much of the week feeling overwhelmed. I know, you're shocked, right?
- Got my sinuses acupunctured on Thursday in an effort to tame my allergies. My thinking is that if I can get them under control in the winter, maybe spring will be easier. I've been eating local honey and taking extra Vitamin C for this purpose, too, because the allergy meds I'm on are expensive. Anyhoo, the acupuncture worked extra well. My sinuses drained so fast I lost my voice. I was able to sing this morning, but it was a near thing! I'm scheduled for twice this week, but I might cancel the second if I react again like I did last time. My voice has to be in good shape Saturday afternoon for our Christmas Eve service.

This week:
- Shoot for 3,000 words
- Plan menus and grocery shop
- Spend as much time as possible with my family while everyone is on school break
- Go see Sherlock Holmes (?)
- Make orange cake cookies

Just in case I get all caught up in the holidays, Merry Christmas! I've been blessed having you in my life this year, and I'm looking forward to what's coming next year.


Tammy Jones said...

Wow. You've ben BUSY!! Sounds like you got a lot done.

Does the new post format help show you how much progress you're making? It's making me exhausted reading all the stuff you've done. {{huggs}}

I never heard about acupuncture for sinuses. Wow. I might have to look into that

Merry Christmas!! {{huggs}}

Jean said...

"got my sinuses acupunctured" sends a shudder down my spine, but I'm glad it helped. Sorry about the unintended consequence of losing your voice.

Hope your menus came together well -- I was surprised at how well ours came together this week. Some weeks, it's like pulling teeth to get it figured out.

Wendy said...

I love how everyone shivers at the thought of acupuncture! Makes me feel so brave and fierce, and it's really not a big deal. The needles are super thin and they don't hurt at all. Usually. Once in a while there's a little twinge when she puts them in.

Honestly, losing my voice is a small price to pay if it gets me off the allergy meds. It does make singing on Sunday a little tricky, but let's be honest. I'm not a pro. It's a ministry for me, but I'm a volunteer. Human expectations are a little lower when you know someone isn't getting paid, and God doesn't care if my voice cracks once in a while!

Wendy said...

Tammy, I'm a little baffled by the new format. I see how much I got done compared to what I didn't, and I see the disparity, but I still feel like I haven't accomplished anything. It's probably because I'm so deep in the hole that a few inches doesn't seem like progress. It's a matter of being nicer to myself, I think, and pressing on. It occurred to me the other day that with Eric in grad school, he's effectively working two jobs, so I really need to get it together and pull more weight around the house. He spoiled me for a long time, but we have another year of this and the house isn't going to get organized on its own. Time to pull up the big girl panties.

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