Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week 47

I feel like I should be writing the cat diary -- This is week 47 of my captivity.  The humans are...

Wait.  I am the human.  I do wonder about that.  Does it count that I have a purring cat hanging off my shoulder?  Yes, Natasha hangs.  She sits on my chest, drapes her paws over my shoulder, and hangs.  We sometimes disagree about this technique, because, well, it's painful...for me.  But she's so peaceful when she does this that I hate to disturb her.  I just wish she'd hang over the other shoulder once in awhile so the right side of my face would get cleaned during one of her licking sessions.

Writing.  Right.  I think it's the post-NaNo blahs.  I have zero interest in pulling out my project and resuming work on it.  That will pass.  Plus, hubby is griping about my computer time and how "unhealthy" it is, yet he has no complaints about me sitting for the same amount of time at the shop, tearing linoleum into buckets and breathing in that nasty dirt and who knows what else is in that crap.  There's no recognition that I do laundry, dishes, housecleaning, and pay bills while I'm sitting at the computer, because he's over at the shop puttering, and all he sees is me sitting at the computer.  None of that stuff is important, of course, so it doesn't count.  It's not hubby, folks.  It's me.  I'm grumpy.  He's an easy target (but, yes, his objection to me on the computer annoys the daylights out of me, too).  I missed more days of logging my words in November than I've missed in the entire year and a half I've been playing this game.  Only one day did I not write (the 30th) -- the other four I forgot to copy and paste the day's writing in.  I'm less and less inclined to do the on-line version.  I keep thinking about how nothing you put on the internet is really private, and I think about how 750words is billed as private, and I'm just not comfortable.  Let's just say that while the world is moving toward "Cloud" computing, I'm not so sure I want to be in the Cloud.

Web Stuff.  I've been puttering with Artisteer.  I needed to upgrade my copy, because I wanted to modify a couple of my blog templates, so I did that.  Then I decided to offer an article for Vision, which meant I needed to try some things I didn't usually use in the program, and I've been disappointed in how to implement them.  For instance, they've supposedly added the capability to do Blogger templates.  I created a really nice Blogger template for my static PBOTL blog, but I can't for the life of me get it to work with Blogger.  Very annoying.  My article won't be able to be as positive as I'd hoped it could be.

Pets.  Millie's winter coats arrived today.  We ordered two doggie Carthartt-style coats for her (so we can alternate for cleaning).  They fit very well.  I think she'll appreciate them on the cold, damp days we have coming.

All the kitties are doing just fine.  For some reason they've been a little "racy" lately, but that's normal cat behavior.

Property.  This week, we focused on rehabbing the skylights at the shop.  This involves getting up on the roof, so I helped.  This involves me being there to be a go-fer and mess cleaner upper.  I did get to wire brush on the channels as well, so that was nice.  Once I finished wire brushing, I hooked up the trailer and took it over to the store to load the tree branch debris into it.  It took two trailer loads to relocate the tree branch pieces from the store building to the back yard at the house.  I'll haul out the shredder and shred the smaller pieces, and hubby will load the logs into the big trailer and take them down to San Antonio with him to cure for the fireplace down there. 

We got one coat of aluminum paint on one skylight before we had to close up for foul weather.  We anticipate getting the second coat on by Wednesday if we're lucky (hubby will do this -- he believes there are too many ways to screw it up, so he doesn't want me to do it.  Right.  I just get to wipe up the paint when he spills it.  At least he wasn't yelling at me.  He could yell at himself for that one).  We're back to the mode where he wants me there but he doesn't want me to do anything but he wants me to do something.  I have trouble with this.  Grin.  So, I tore linoleum today.  I tore up 45 gallons worth of linoleum (9 five gallon buckets).  Thankfully, we're beginning to see the end of the line on linoleum to tear.  The gravel pile is also noticeably smaller.  Hubby has most of his parts put away and is working in another area now.  He's preparing the area where he's going to build his tool cage and install his work bench.  He tested the giant fan and concluded it only needs a new cord.  That will be handy next summer for pushing heat out of the building.

Health.  Up two pounds but the measurements held steady.  I got a couple of days on the recumbent bike and various wood hauling episodes this week.


Tammy Jones said...

I'm with you on the cloud thing. As much trouble as I've had with online stalker types, I prefer to keep *most* of my life and documentation private. Wouldn't it be lovely if someone got ahold of my personal journal or contact list of publishing professionals?

But, then again, we're old. Technology and society move on. Sometimes I feel like a luddite because I don't even have a cell phone. I don't store anything on google docs. I've quit facebook. I write my lists and story notes with a pen. And I use paper checks.

Yep, I'm old. ;)

As for everything else...

I think you need to do something, anything, that's fun and enjoyable for YOU. Something that doesn't involve shredders, 5 gallon buckets, paint, or trailers. It seems like you're doing all this stuff for your hubby, but what have you done for YOU lately?


Jean said...

Gee whiz. Am I ever whiny this week!

Tammy Jones said...

You're allowed to be whiny. {{huggs}}

SBB said...

I hope you're wearing a breathing mask when you're tearing up that floor, Jean.

Oh, the joys of relationships. There's a poem that I barely remember that goes something like this:
Cutting the spring onions,
she made a mental note:
It's not true love if you
don't dream of cutting his throat.

I've always thought there was a lot of truth in that! :)

Jean said...

I love that, Stephen! I've never gotten to the point of that dream, but I sure understand the sentiment.

SBB said...

I found the poem. It's the ending of "From June to December" and it's by Wendy Cope. Here it is correctly.

Decapitating the spring onions,
She made this mental note:
You can tell it's love, the real thing,
When you dream of slitting his throat.

Wendy said...

Yep, I'm there with you on the Cloud. So much emphasis at conferences is placed on 'building a platform' but I'm not interested in blogging every day or tweeting. I feel like the more I try to build my platform, the less privacy I have.

I'm wondering how it is that you gained two lbs with all the work you did. It seems like all that activity would have counted more.

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