Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18 tambometrics

Crazy busy insane. :) But not in a bad way.

Same as last week. Nothing to report. No words, no news.

That said, Bill and I talked some about me and my writing and, well, I'm shelving Stain for a while to pursue something I'm more passionate about. What that is, I have no idea, but surely there's something.

Since all of you have read M, and most - if not all - of you have read the Dubric books, I'm open to suggestions of potential directions to take. I honestly don't know what type of books I should be writing, given the limits of my ability and the thematic elements I tend to tackle.

Finished a table topper for Christmas and sewed a super-cool reversible cape for my sister's grandson. It seriously rocks!

Pretty good! Made some progress on several personal fronts, had some great 'just us' time with Bill. We're all feeling fine, doing fine.  

Bill's been carrying mail on a walk-route out of town, so he comes home pretty pooped. But at least he's busy, and he's working.

House has closed. So that chapter of our life is DONE. Woot! In other household news, I have decided that pet hair is the bane of my existence. I think I've gathered it all and thrown it away (sweep, swiffer, wipe, vacuum, over and over), only to turn around and find more! It's apparently breeding fluff bunnies all on its own. ;)

But it is winter, and we have a menagerie. But still. Super tired of pet hair. Bleargh.

Hit a new low on Monday, but have crept back up about 2 lbs. I don't know why. Been drinking plenty of water. Been exercising. Haven't been snacking. Just one of those things. 

Everything Else
Finally sent out Christmas cards and began holiday baking. All in all, things are pretty great. :)

Have a happy week before Christmas, everyone!!  {{huggs}}


Wendy said...

Sounds like a good week! I hope it keeps up.

Jean said...

There's nothing like getting a super-hero outfitted to make you feel good.

You should be writing the kind of books that resonate with you. You excel at books that don't fit into a neat category. You've been undergoing some changes in your life over the last couple of years. Perhaps the themes that resonate with you are shifting. How have you come up with your ideas in the past?

Tammy Jones said...

My ideas then to explode in my head and just stay there. It's the ones that linger that I write and, honestly, nothing's lingered since M. Which I wrote more than a year ago.

Jean said...

I think that's the challenge of being a pantser for ideas. Getting something to stick.

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