Monday, January 20, 2014

Taking a break

My stress level has gone way down, but oh, the drama it took to get here! Moving sucks on a good day, but moving to a northern city in January has unique challenges.

- Our friend Chad drove down from northern WI, picked up Eric and brought him downstate. Then he helped us load all our stuff, drove back upstate (in the city. He hates cities), and helped us unload. With a cold. Greater love hath no man for a friend!
- Despite the 10' UHaul, my van, and Chad's jeep, there were still a few things we couldn't fit it. Between running out of space and the time it took to load it, we rushed leaving. The stuff we couldn't move got left where it sat, but the worst part is I left my iPad on the couch. So I have one more trip downstate to get the rest. The plan is to go maybe late this week or early next week and try to do it all in one day. It does feel a little surreal to be here with no return date planned.
- Eric ate something hinky Saturday and ended up the food poisoning. Yesterday was a bad day for him. Today is better but he's thinking about staying home from work tomorrow. At least he's not contagious, but he hasn't been much help unloading stuff! At least it didn't kick in until after we got here.
- We tracked a lot of salt onto my floors. I finally got things cleared enough to Swiffer Wet Jet part of the floor, and we bought a door mat so we can knock salt off before we come in. In theory, at least.
- I'm getting things squared away pretty quickly. Surprisingly quickly, actually.
- The cats have been twitchy, but not unusually so. Tess has been vocal at night. She's testing acoustics, I think. She's our echo locator. When she finds her favorite hidey hole she'll settle down, but last night I was ready to throttle her! Ryan and Chloe seem to be taking things in stride a little more, although Ryan has velcro kitty periods. I got their feeder and water fountain set up today so hopefully that will help them settle.
- No words this week. Go figure. I need to fix that, though. We don't need any more crankiness than we already have!
- Vicky has finished her classes and clinicals. Now she just has to take the registry test and she can actively look for a grown-up job. In the meantime, they're starting to move into our house. No, they didn't break the lease on their current house, but we're paying the whole mortgage whether they live there or it sits empty. They are legally obligated to pay their rent, but not to live in the house, and frankly I think it's going to take the landlord a while to find another renter. With them living in our house he can start advertising it.
- No news this week from Alex about his funding issues or the Navy. Still not thinking about it!

So I think that's about it. I think that's about enough!


Jean said...

I detest the sign out button where it is. I lost my whole post by hitting it instead of Publish. Grrr.

Chad. You are awesome. Far above and beyond friendship.

Eric, I hope you feel better soon.

You'll get the words. I hope the trip downstate helps you get those last few items finalized. As for Vicky, it'll be nice for them to be able to move and clean at their leisure with the incentive to finish quickly in hopes of a new renter coming in before the end of their lease. Good luck to her in the job hunt.

SBB said...

Jean, where is the sign-button on the iPad? I assume that's what you're using because it's not near the Publish button on the desktop. Or if it is, I can't see it.

Wendy, congrats on the move! I'm glad it's (mostly) finished. You're going to have all sorts of amazing adventures there. Take lots of photos and share.

Hope your cat gets settled soon. It's always amazed how sensitive animals are. People think they're dumb and uncaring, only wanting food and safety, but animals are so much more.

SBB said...

Oh, Jean, I see what you're talking about. It's at the lower left, which would logically be the publish button. I guess I'm just used to Blogger's quirks.

Jean said...

No, my troubles with the signout button are usually on the desktop, and it's on the lower right, where my mouse naturally drifts to when I want to publish the comment. Unfortunately, the Publish button is on the lower left, below and to the left of the Comment as box. I've only started having this trouble in the last few months. I don't remember ever seeing the sign out button before then. I just checked the templates and layouts and didn't see any way to change it, so I'm guessing it's hard-coded in, and I'll just have to deal with it.

SBB said...

Yeah, I got my right and left mixed up. Not thinking.

I was just looking to see if there were any hacks for comments. I found several, but none to handle this problem.

Jean said...

Thanks for looking, Stephen. I didn't even know they had hacks. (I should have.)

Tammy Jones said...

Wendy, I'm glad the move went well, overall. I know it can be incredibly stressful, and there's always *something* left behind. Kudos to Chad (friends who help you move are the BEST!!), I hope Eric gets feeling better very, very soon, and congrats to Vicky, too! I'm sure you'll find time and brainspace to write once you're settled in. {{hugs}}

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