Sunday, July 17, 2011

My week past

Let's see ...

Writing: Not too much. Have continued to work on my greeting cards and sold some more. My warped humor seems to work for cards. I need to figure out a way to show them to other people besides just physically. (Wendy, I haven't forgotten you wanted to see them; I just don't know to let you see them!) I also started marketing Floozy and Other Stories to libraries and independent bookstores. No responses yet -- other than the post office returning some postcards with the wrong addresses -- but the mailings worked for the Measurements of Murder books so I'm hoping Floozy will be so lucky. By the way, it takes a surprising amount of time to print, stamp, and mail 200 postcards and letters. Just thought you should know.

Fan letters: This has been cool. I've received five nice emails about Floozy. One lady bought it on iTunes. And the really cool thing is I know none of these people. I hope my friends and family like my work -- and I appreciate it when they say so -- but when a total stranger appreciates the writing for what it is, that's awesome.

Health: Continuing to walk (up to 2.25 miles now) and taking my Vitamin D supplements, getting at least 15 minutes of sun a day, drinking one cup of Vitamin D fortified milk a day, taking my iron supplements, monitoring my blood sugar (still trending lower, but not as fast as I would like) and generally doing what the doctor tells me. So far, so good. Energy level sure isn't good, and I could sleep for days given half a chance, but it is getting better. My weight loss has stalled 22 pounds. I still to need to lose another 50. Well, it will happen.

Net: Been updating all my various blogs. Takes quite a while. Particularly when not much has happened on those particular projects. Got to keep working on them.

New project: Redesigning the covers of Murder by the Acre and Murder by Dewey Decimal. If you have any ideas that direction, please let me know. These new covers will be new deluxe editions of both books. I'm fixing a few mistakes, adding after-words and ads for my other books, and even sharing an excerpt from Murder by the Mile. At least, that's my plan. I need MBTA's redesign before the Chisholm Trail Book Festival in September. Oh, how I love deadlines.

Well, that's it. Hope things go well for you and me this week.


Tammy Jones said...

I thin it sounds like you've had a pretty good, productive week! Congrats on the fan mail and I know all the other things will start to fall into place soon. {{huggs}}

Jean said...

I agree with Tammy. It sounds like a productive week, and you seem to be moving in good directions.

Awesome on the walking distance. Blood sugar trending lower is great news. Keep doing the right thing on your diet and exercise. The weight loss will eventually begin again. Your body is adjusting. Once it gets "comfortable" it'll begin a downward trend again.

SBB said...

Thanks, Tammy!

Thanks, Jean!

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