Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week 30

Thirty weeks in 2011.  Happy Birthday, Stephen!  
My little sister, Debbie, would have been 34 tomorrow. She's been gone for almost 25 years, but that doesn't make it any less painful.

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Nada.  We're heading back to Central TX on Monday, so I'll be able to resume work. I've written at least my 750 words seven of seven days. 
CampNaNoWriMo: For the month, I managed a little over 4000 words on this.  

Internet Responsibilities:
- Kept up with FM -- planning to revise the marathon schedule for 2012 due to lack of participation this year.  I've decided having a marathon every weekend makes it too easy to not participate.  Or, maybe there isn't enough interest. 
- I'm thinking I might do better if I spent less time on line.  Productivity doesn't seem to be doing well.

- It's so hot outside, we're bringing Millie in during the afternoons to help keep her cool.  She seems to like this.
- Lawn is mowed and watered.

- I mostly worked around the house and the yard, and we walked a couple of swap meets/flea markets
- Down .5 pounds, but the weight has been yo-yoing this week.  Up one day, down the next.  I had a new low earlier this week, but it didn't stay there.  I think it's a typical transition window.  Not too worried about it yet.
- Walk Across Texas appears to be maxed out, so I guess I'm done with that.
- My right knee is getting steadily worse, but I'm not sure what's wrong with is.  The sharp pain in the joint makes sense -- I think it's a tattered meniscus.  My right calf hurts.  Periodically, where the ACL connects to bone is sore.  I guess the time will be right to begin talking to the orthopedist.  The next question is can it wait until December, or do I need to go in sooner?


Jean said...

Hubby dragged out the crutches for me this afternoon. I'm' going to try to stay off my right knee and foot for a few days to see if that helps.

X-rays confirmed I cracked a bone in my right foot a few months ago, so, coupled with my sore knee and calf, I wonder if staying off the right side of my body may help it. I should know in a couple days if it helps or not.

The podiatrist offered to get me a bone stimulator for my foot, and I may take him up on that offer -- just have to figure out how to get back in touch with him.

Wendy said...

Yikes. Hugs on the knee. I vote for seeing the doc sooner, fwiw.

SBB said...

Oh, no! Sorry to hear about your foot, knee, right side of your body! Hope the doctor can help.

There's a weekend marathon on FM? Hmm. I've really got to learn how to maneuver around those boards.

Oh, Jean, could you email me your postal address? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!

Jean said...

Email send, Stephen.

I noticed nearly immediate relief to the pain in my calf when I began using the crutches, so that seems to confirm a compensation or alignment issue. I'll probably wind up setting up something with my doctor before my scheduled December appointment -- mostly because their orthopedist is only there one day a month, I think, so it's likely to take a little while to get through the consult, MRI, and decision process.

Yes, there's a marathon every weekend (for now anyway) on FM. This weekend is a NaNo prep one that's just finishing up. I'll do a word count from Saturday to Tuesday. Then two weekends of Anything Goes (writing or editing), concluding with the 4th weekend for editing.

Here's the Marathon board link:

Or watch for me to Tweet the sign up link each Tuesday night or Wednesday. I also post a link in FM's Announcement board around that same time.

Jean said...

@FMWriters on Twitter in case you're not following.

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