Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sat July 16 tambometrics

Been a decent week. 

M is out to imprints for Simon Schuster and St. Martin's. I'm especially excited about the SS imprint - it seems like a really good fit!

Have 8446 words on Stain of Corruption, about half new, about half modified from an earlier version. There should be more, but life keeps intruding. That's all right, just means I have to write gobs more this coming week.

General nuttiness, but nothing unexpected. Just summery things do to and running around getting them done. Bill's still liking his new but crazy schedule and I am too!

Liking Google+ but I need to devise better ways to use my time. 

Still no word on anything definite with the posty office. I don't like Limbo, but I'm getting used to it.

Saw Harry Potter on opening afternoon and enjoyed it a LOT! Gobs and gobs. Alan Rickman (who plays Snape) better get an oscar nod, he was amazing!!

Our Realtor has decided to leave the profession to spend more time with her children and dying father. Totally understandable. I met with our new Realtor yesterday and she's super nice and agrees that our price is perfect, it's the economy that's awful, so we're holding steady on price and waiting til something develops, one way or another.

Up a pound, or a smidge less, but I have had some drive through and haven't been drinking as much fluid as I should. One thing I notice since I cut out sweeteners is that everything else tastes really SALTY. I used to love crunchy salty things and am finding them unpalatable. I'm guessing that's a good thing. ;)

Today is a Bad Allergy Day. Very headachy cloggy. I'm blaming the constant AC and limited fresh air, actually. Being cooped up always seems to make it worse

Everything Else
Getting ready for a quilt class thing in Davenport next weekend with my friend Deb. Should be really fun!


Jean said...

Hope you have a great time at the class!

Wendy said...

You sound so much more upbeat than you have lately. I'm so glad. Hang in there, hon, you'll get through the rough bits. {{{huggss}}}

SBB said...

I am so looking forward to reading Stain. A publisher better buy it soon. Or I will have to start breaking some publishers' kneecaps.

Stephen B. Bagley said...

M I mean. Better buy M. But I want to read Stain, too!

Tammy Jones said...

lol I know it's hard to keep titles straight when they're not your own. M is (I think) edgy women's fiction but my agent insists it's a thriller. So I guess it's a thriller. Anyway, it's totally contemporary, single POV, and absolutely no magic or paranormal anything. Fwiw, I can shoot you or Wendy a copy of the manuscript, if you're super bored and don't want to work on your own stuff. Jean's already read it. ;)

Stain (er, Stain of Corruption) is the fourth Dubric book, and it's post apocalyptic fantasy horror thriller stuff. :)

SBB said...

Yes, please send me a copy of M! That would be awesome!

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