Friday, July 1, 2011


I'm either 6 days late, or a week early.

I'm gonna go with early, because last week mostly sucked, and what didn't suck, I slept through. ;)

Another declination - that makes 6! - and and I talked to my husband about volunteering to rewrite M's final third or so and totally rework the ending (mostly to make it not a thriller) and 
he thinks I should just let my agent worry about such things. So that's what I'm doing. However, I'm going a bit stir crazy (see below) and I really need to work. On something. But nothing seems to be clicking with my depressed writer brain.

Still no official word on the closing of our posty office, but it'll likely land sometime in the next two weeks. Meanwhile, Bill has applied to transfer to Rochester MN, Eau Claire WI, and Springfield MO. We're really hoping to stay in the midwest, but it's not looking very likely at this point. More and more postal sorting centers are on the list for closure. Super scary stuff for us postal employees. 

To help complicate things, there's been a shuffling of jobs at Bill's sorting center and with one maintenance position now empty, he's working days. Only he's not. Because he and another guy have to cover the empty position. So he's working 4:30 am - 3 pm most days, plus 11 pm - 7 am one day, with a scheduled workload of 58 hours over 6 days or some gawd-awful thing. Plus he'll likely have two more hours of OT stuck in there, somewhere, to put him at the max hours allowed by contract. The new schedule starts tonight (Fri night). Whee! Postal fun never stops!

Laura's feeling much better and starts her new classes on Tuesday! Woot! She's been driving with me and doing really well.

Still very blue, but I've begun having a weirdly humorous look at things. Kind of an 'eh, screw it, it's out of our hands, anyway' as we come up with more and more preposterous - and impossible - outcomes. Hey, it's better than bawling. ;)

Totally done, it's just a regular schedule of sweep and swiffer and wipe things down now. In some ways I like having an empty house, but utter crushing boredom is setting in. Nothing to do but futz around online, watch tv, or nap. Can't sew/bake - it makes a mess. Can't write - I have nothing in my head TO write. Very, very boring. Tired of TV and internet, so I nap a lot.

Holding steady at down 8-9lbs. So that's good. I REALLY need to get off my depressed butt and exercise, tho. Something. Because tambo iz FLABBY and squooshy doesn't like it at all.

Head cold turned into a sinus infection but Keflex is kicking its butt. Yay!! Still a bit allergy cloggy, but it's gobs better than hacking up chunks of green crap all the time. 

Have new, super expensive Rosacea medicine which is freaking AMAZING. I do not like the price at all, but the results astound me. Bumps are gone. Flakiness - gone. Stinging - gone. Redness is now a pale pinkish, overall. Skin is soft and smooth and just wow.  Wow. But, then again, for $104, it better be. lol

Everything Else
Mostly things are all right. Mostly. In a holding pattern and trying to find my way back to the new normal, whatever that is.

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