Monday, July 11, 2011

tambometrics - July 11

Life keeps on keeping on. I think that's a good thing. 

Talked to my agent on Friday and he's positive that the struggle to sell M is due to the crappy print market, and competition with eBooks and Enhanced eBooks. He, too, is struggling to work through the new marketplace and find a way to get good books to readers. The game is always changing and adapting strategies is part of it! He also said that I should keep M as a thriller, as that's my best chance of finding a home for it. All of that said, M is back out to more publishers as of today (Monday) and I'm pretty pumped about both houses.

I am back to working on Stain of Corruption, and not only have I - maybe - found a way through the quagmire of the tangled narrative, my writing group has decided that we've all been slacking off too much this summer and need to get our butts back to work. So, in an effort to become more productive and accountable, we've decided to set definite goals that must be met by the next meeting (we all got to set our own goal, since we're all at different levels and places) but, if the goal isn't met by the next meeting, we have to put $10 cash into the 'pot'. So it's write, or pay up, baby!

We've decided to use the 'pot' to help fund a writing retreat, probably this fall.  It's all actually kind of exciting and does seem to put a bit of fire in our bellies to get the work done instead of finding excuses. Goals range from 25 pages to eight chapters by the last Sunday of the month. (I'm the 8 chapters, btw). 

Nothing much has changed, to be perfectly honest. House is tidy, other than having to pick up whatever we leave laying about, do maintenance housework - like washing dishes - and the never ending sweeping of pet hair. We're all pretty bored, so we're reading. Well, Bill and Laura are reading,   I'm trying to find productive things to do. No new news from the posty office, but Bill is DEFINITELY liking his new hours. The change in his mood and health has been remarkable!

Got signed into Google+ and there are parts I like, parts I don't, and, at this point, Facebook still seems to be the primary social gathering site. However, Google+ is still in beta, there are limited users, and I'm pretty sure it will explode soon.  I MUST limit my online time to maximize marketing, once M (and maybe Stain) sells. I waste way, waaaaay too much time screwing off on the computer.

In a holding pattern. It looks pretty much gorgeous almost all of the time. Just wish someone would come look at it - and maybe buy it - but the housing market is really really slow here. Just awful. At least we're not in a time crunch.

Down about 10lbs, give or take a pound or so, so that's good. I've cut out artificial sweeteners (Goodbye Crystal Lite - Waah!!) and am drinking only tea, water, and occasionally juice. I'm reasonably pleased with that, just wish I had more energy.

Tis allergy season, but overall it's not bad. Just some congestion. Totally normal for this time of year.

I am, however totally digging my new face. I'm in awe, but, again, I wish it wasn't so expensive. I do like it, though, like it a LOT.

Everything Else
Keeping on keeping on, and that's okay. :)

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