Sunday, July 17, 2011

running late today

Howdy! I had to work a shower after church today. Nice group of people who enjoyed being together. I just wish they hadn't been together quite so long today!

Writing: Thanks to y'all, I got a good start on my 15 page paid crit and started the synopsis.

Clutter: Alex finally decided he needs a dresser in his room. His dresser is now my credenza, but we do have a spare chest of drawers in our bedroom, which I cleared out. It stored mostly sweaters and such, so those are in plastic boxes in our closet, and we'll move the chest to his room this week. I hope. I have some stuff I need to take to Good Will, but I haven't gotten a chance to do so, and likely won't have a chance to this week.

Health: Down another half pound, which was a surprise since I went a little overboard Thursday night on our date. I couldn't help it; the place we went to has the BEST bread pudding ever. I think this is my third week taking the Juice +, and I have gotten a little more done. Nothing drastic, but between that and the vitamin D, I think my energy might be up just a smidgen. I'm taking everything I can get at this point.

Misc: I found a book for Vicky about tying Chinese and Celtic knots for jewelry and ornamentation, and I think she'll be able to make some cool stuff. Next week I think we need to get serious about starting her blog so she get can pictures posted. I'd do it this week, but I'm heading to Joplin MO on Wednesday for the rest of the week to do relief work. I don't know exactly what that entails, but I'm sure I'll have stories when I get back. I'll try to post on FB if I do or see anything of particular note.

Other than that, it was a quiet week. I got my hair trimmed and a pedicure, made some progress crocheting a baby blanket, read a book, scooped cat litter, watered the garden and put in trellises for my tomato and sweet potato vine, all kinds of exciting stuff. Yep, that's the stuff that passes for exciting. If real excitement showed up at my door, I don't think I would know what to do!


Tammy Jones said...

I think it sounds like you had a pretty great week. Lots of stuff done, a little self pampering... Total WIN! {{huggs}}

Jean said...

Sounds like a good week all the way around.

SBB said...

It does sound like you had a good week. And trust me, excitement isn't always a good thing!

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