Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 27

Twenty-seven weeks.  You know what that means, right?  We're on the downhill side of 2011. 

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  As expected, I've done nothing this week for the revision.  I didn't even bring it to SA with me.  I'll resume work next week. I've written at least my 750 words seven of seven days.  
CampNaNoWriMo:  3808 words.  This week hasn't been really good for getting the words.  It's me.  Really. 

Internet Responsibilities:
- Done the stuff for FM
- Blogged a couple times
- As you know, we all got Google+ invites this week and have been learning to use the site.

- Dazzle.  I posted that we lost her this week.  100% expected, but I also kept expecting her to wander over while we were digging her grave and nose in to see what we were doing.  She never did.  We were so blessed to have her with us for so long.  Alan knew he had to go get her when he woke up that morning so many years ago.  She was meant to be for us.
- We've been bringing Millie in to acclimate the kittens to her -- we figure SA is the best place to do that, and they, of course, are very curious.  Millie is terribly afraid of Tarzan, because Roxy jumped Millie big time for no reason (other than the kittens were nearby -- Roxy was one very protective mama), and Tarzan, of course, has similar coloring and markings to Roxy.

-I've done yard work in SA this week.  The yard is mowed and trimmed.  I've also trimmed bushes to keep them from getting out of hand.
- We have a lot of decrepit old fence boards, and I've been making sure the nails are removed from them and breaking them into pieces small enough to add to trash bags.  This will be an on-going project when I'm down here. Hubby has replaced the fence around the back yard.  He still has the panels between the back yard and the driveway to replace.  All the old wood is in too bad of shape to use for anything, so it must be disposed of.  Unfortunately, we can't burn it in the fireplace.  I may ask if he's considered taking it to the ranch to use in erosion control.
- Hubby is trenching the side of the driveway between the driveway and the back yard in preparation for laying the block that will form that side of the driveway.  When he finishes, we'll have the boundaries for laying brick.  Before he can lay brick, he'll be breaking up the asphalt and putting it and about a foot of dirt into buckets.  The whole driveway is being lowered about a foot in preparation for laying brick and getting the slope right for drainage.  It's two car wide driveway, so that's a whole bunch of work.  He does that (and things like it) instead of going to the gym, and it's a heck of a work out.

- I mostly worked around the house and the yard
- I gained 2.7 pounds this week.  I suspected this might be a "bad" week for weight loss, but I feel generally good about it.  We had more social engagements this week than we typically have in a year.  Despite that, I don't feel I went that far off plan.  July 4th was an event some friends invite us to every year where the food is plentiful and good, as is the company.  I drank water (I like water -- that was no sacrifice), enjoyed a few slices of brisket, sampled ALL the salads, thoroughly enjoyed the baked beans (which are like candy), and sampled all the desserts that weren't cakes (that was probably the downfall, but I don't regret it).  I attempted to track it for points, but I'm certain I fell short.  The rest of the week fell pretty well into line, even though we didn't eat at home once.
- After five weeks remaining the same, my waist did lose half an inch, so I'm pleased about that.  Total inch reductions since beginning:  Arms: 1.5"; Thighs: 3.5"; Bust 2.5" (measured at the rib cage, so not a true bust measurement); Waist: 4.5"; and Hips: 3.5".  I didn't get the measurements for two or three weeks since I started the program, so total loss from the beginning is slightly more, but the measurements help on weeks when the body is adjusting in other ways.
- I added 18.01 miles to Walk Across Texas.

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