Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 26

Twenty-six weeks.  2011. Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  I finished the Scene For Revision Cards and Characters per scene information for Lesson 12.  I think there are some notations to make in the manuscript yet, so I'll have to figure that out.  Once I get those done, I'll be ready to move on to Lesson 13. It probably won't get done this week, because we're heading to San Antonio to do some yard work, and, for some reason, everyone we know wants to get together with us, so we'll have an incredibly unusual social week this trip. I've written at least my 750 words seven of seven days.  
CampNaNoWriMo:  I went to the site to see what it was all about.  I used my NaNoWriMo login to see what else was there, and BAM! I was a camper for the July session.  Oops.  Of course, I could have ignored it and been a non-completer for the session, but I really couldn't.  Letters to My Grandchildren has been laid out in chapter form for well over a year now.  That's like an outline, right?  Why not see how much I can get written on it.  It won't hurt.  So, I'm writing this month.  (Tammy, maybe you could do something like this if you're still looking for something to write about.)

Internet Responsibilities:
- Done the stuff for FM
- Blogged a couple times
- Have my Merry-Go-Round Blog tour for July is a go.  Just waiting for the 19th to roll around.

- They're all still here.  Doing great.

- Hubby has moved most of his car parts to the shop and has been unpacking and sorting them.  He's thrilled at finding the things he forgot he had and fretting about the things he knows he has but hasn't found yet.
- I'll mow the lawn today so it will look good while we're gone.
- Our 80+ year old neighbor (the one who stands on his patio and screams obscenities at our common neighbor) came out and flagged me over last Sunday while I was mowing the lawn.  He said he'd decided to get his hip replaced and asked me to pick up his paper and dispose of it -- read it, throw it away, he didn't care, but he didn't want old news.  I said sure. I'll keep an eye on your mail too, and if it builds up, I'll bring it in until you get home.  He seemed to think he'd only be gone for three nights and expressed surprise that I didn't think they would let him drive home on Thursday or Friday when they released him from the hospital (he drove himself there -- he lives alone and has no family, or, apparently, friends).  When hubby came home from the shop, I expressed my concern.  He went next door to talk to the neighbor and leave his cell phone number with the neighbor.  When hubby came back, he was shaking his head and saying, "He doesn't have a clue."  The man drove himself to the hospital on Monday and was gone all week.  Friday evening I answered the phone, and the person on the other end asked for hubby.  It was the administrator/director of the local nursing home confirming that we'd offered to pick up our neighbor's car and bring it home for him.  We confirmed that but said we didn't have keys.  He called back about an hour later and said he'd be bringing the keys by.  Nice man.  His brother had consolidated the two pieces of property on our ranch into one piece ten years ago when we bought it.  Hubby was pleased (a nearly impossible thing to do -- please hubby).  So, this morning, hubby dropped me off at the hospital in Temple and headed to San Antonio.  I drove our neighbor's car back here and put it in his garage, locked everything up, and returned the keys to the nursing home.  The director said our neighbor was doing well and probably would only be there about two weeks. 

- I mostly worked around the house, the shop, and the yard
- I lost 3 pounds this week for a total WW loss of 39 pounds!  One more to go for eight (!) bags of flour.  
- Wendy, 2/10th of a pound is equal to 3/4 cup of flour! So, keep up the great work!  
- I added 19.28 miles to Walk Across Texas. 


Wendy said...

Lol! Thanks for the measurement.

It's a good thing your neighbor let you know he was going for his new hip. Either he's not a good listener or his doctor didn't tell him what to expect. You're a good neighbor! Sad that there are people who literally have no one.

Awesome job on the weight loss! You're doing a great job of keeping it all in perspective. Good job on the writing, too. I'd like to do something like the Camp Nano but I can't even think about it right now. Maybe when things settle down some.

Tammy Jones said...

You're a good neighbor. Sounds like you're having a pretty good week! Contgrats on the weight loss and miles!!

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