Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13 tambometrics

It was an okay week. I guess.

I have totally scrapped Stain, again, and started over. None of the 'old' stuff was meshing at all with the new - which I like better - so I'm starting over and following Dubric through to the end. I'm not happy about it, I really don't like writing Dubric, but at least the book will get done. Right?

M received another gushing declination from the S&S imprint and I was rather bummed, they seemed like the PERFECT fit. Their reason for declining it? Too commercial. Last I knew, being commercial wasn't a bad thing, but apparently it is. 

My friend Virginia and I are going to a B&B for a couple of days next week to write and that should be fun. :)

It's keeping on keeping on. The pollens or air pressure or something is wreaking havoc with my sinuses, so I've had a pretty constant headache. Bill's still working 60 hours a week, Laura and the baby are fine... I really must, somehow, find the oomph to exercise. Not liking this flabby-achy thing one bit. Yet I still just sit and sit. Dangit.

Bill's boss is really, REALLY trying to get him to stay here so the current likely outcome is that Bill becomes a mail carrier. He'd keep the same pay rate for 2 years, then drop to the standard carrier rate. So we've been talking about that. Or he might become a janitor, same deal pay wise. Or just transfer. Or, God forbid, get caught in the upcoming round of postal layoffs, which is really scary. They're cutting 230,000 workers, more than ONE THIRD of their staff. Scary.

Laura interviewed for the new Kohl's this week and she came home all excited and pretty sure she nailed it. Also, the manager for the movie theater that we go to a lot pretty much asked her if she was looking for a job, so she's turned in an application there. We're a bit concerned she might ultimately lose the Kohl's job because she'll have the baby right before Christmas and before her 90 days probation would be up, BUT the movie theater would almost certainly keep her and be a lot more flexible about baby birthing and things. So, I dunno, at least she's getting nibbles and it's something.

No showings this week. We're within 15 min of spotless pretty much constantly - sweep, put a quilt on the bed, toss dirty glasses in the dishwasher and head out the door. If we don't have an offer by late September, Bill wants to install more shelves in the basement and get our stuff out of storage so it's not there all winter. I dunno, I think we just have too much stuff and if we're going to bring it all home, we ought to not have the house for sale.  Maybe we should just trim down and get rid of more stuff (mostly furniture, books, and seasonal clothes, tbh), but I dunno.

Up a little, down a little. Am down about 8.5 lbs from when this all started, so I guess I'm holding steady. I need to stop late night eating - and getting seconds. Also need to exercise, but I dread it so. Been trying to walk with Bill or Laura, if they're game, and that helps.

Everything Else
My Mac died. Mostly. Won't keep power and it totally locked up several times the other day. I've transferred my files to the desktop (which we've brought out of storage) so I'm now working on the kitchen table. We might get my desk and get it set up in the living room bump out, but this is working all right so far, other than it's making my upper back hurt since my posture is different typing on the table vs my lap.

Still missing Malaysia. All the other pets are fine, though, but Abbie is frustrated. She wants something, but it's not here, in the house, so she wants out. But it's not out there, either, so she wants in. Much mrowowing and demands to be catered to. Fwiw, I think we're between batches of baby bunnies and she's bored and has nothing to hunt, but I might be wrong. Maybe she's just old, fat and cranky like me. :p

Haven't sewn anything all summer. I need to, for the baby, if nothing else, and for my mood, if I'm honest about it. Been kinda blue and numb for a long time. That needs to change, somehow.


Wendy said...

It seems to me that if Bill's boss is trying so hard to keep him, it would be less likely that he would get caught in the wave of lay-offs. I agree, it's crazy. It hasn't been that long ago that people were trying really hard to pass the exam to get hired by the PO. Maybe that's why your house hasn't sold yet.

I wish I could say something that would help motivate you to exercise, but honestly I got nothing except the same tired cliches we've all heard before. About the best I can do is send ((hugs)).

Good job on being within 15 minutes of show ready. That's what I'm working toward. Okay, maybe not 15 minutes. Maybe 30. Or 60. Certainly something closer than a week.

Wendy said...

I almost forgot--have fun at the B&B!

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, Wendy!! {{huggs}}

Jean said...

I know you have a lot of uncertainty now, but it also sounds like you have a lot going right.

A gushing declination due being too commercial sounds like they just didn't have a place for M at this time.

I would hope Bill could continue to seek a transfer in his field while he's working in the local area outside the field.

As for Laura's situation, is it feasible to accept both jobs (if offered) and juggle the hours? I think you're right about Kohl's, but you never know.

{{hugs}} for the stress you're under. For what it's worth, you're hanging in there beautifully -- even though I'm sure it doesn't feel like it far too much of the time.

Tammy Jones said...

Heh, Jean, I mostly feel like I'm unraveling at the seams, but I haven't started twitching, screaming, or taking my frustration out on others. It's just been... exhausting. But we're all okay, and we'll be okay. Soon it'll all settle down, then we'll add a newborn to the family! lol

SBB said...

Too commercial? What the heck does that mean? It's not like you wrote in a tie-in for action figures or something like that.

Sorry your life hasn't calmed down any. A friend of mine always suggests I take a drink when I get stressed. I really think he needs to get himself to AA. Seriously.

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