Saturday, August 27, 2011

Word for the week: overwhelmed.

I've plunged into allergy apathy this week. That's what I hate about this time of year. Stuff starts pollinating, and it all falls into the river valley, and the wind doesn't disperse it. It all just sits here making people like me miserable.

Writing: Not a lot. Some editing. I really need to get to work threading Frank's pranks into the story but I'm overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. I need to be working on my one sheet for the conference, but so far I've gotten nothing done on that.

Clutter: I bagged up some stuff. It's ready to go.

Health: I lost 2 more pounds and hit my original goal weight. Anything I lose in the next few weeks will be that much I won't have to lose after the conference. That's about the only thing I'm happy about this week.

The issue I'm dealing with now is food boredom. I don't know what to cook, so I haven't. Normal comfort food isn't on the menu while I'm in loss mode, and it's too hot for mac & cheese or mashed potatoes anyway. I want to cook something really yummy that doesn't have 27 points and I'm coming up dry, so I fall back on the same things over and over, or we go out. I cooked dinner Monday, and I haven't cooked since. Eric is in class two nights a week, so it's easier to grab something out. I've just spent the last hour trolling recipe sites and cookbooks for easy healthy sides to go with chicken and am no closer to dinner. So frustrating.

Misc: The Pet Rescue Remedy might be working. Chloe came about four steps outside the bedroom, but she still isn't tolerating Jeli. I haven't caught Jeli peeing in laundry this week, although the clothes I washed earlier in the week had been peed on. Not sure when; everything was dry but I could smell it. I'm continuing to spike the gooshey food and the downstairs water dish.

Vicky's first week of college classes went reasonably well, and they got her car registered today so she'll be able to drive to school. Apparently her books were too heavy to haul around all day, every day, and she got tired to dealing with it. That took less time than I thought.


Tammy Jones said...


Allergies do stink. {{huggs}} Hang in there and have a great time at the conference!!

Jean said...

Sounds like you have a strong case of malaise. Ugh!

Congrats on reaching your original goal weight. That is wonderful.

Good thing you decided to let whatever it was Vicky was working out on her transportation work itself out. You didn't need that hassle. It's an important step in her maturation process that she deal with it, but, thankfully, you've progressed beyond that problem in your life.

SBB said...

Congrats on continuing to lose weight! You're awesome, I tell you, awesome!

Give an A! Give me a W! Give me an E! Give me a S! Give me an O! Give me a M! Give me an E! What's that spell? WENDY!!! :)

Have you looked at any of the Smart One dinners? Might give you some ideas about what to cook.

Wendy said...

Thanks, guys. Stephen, you are the best cheerleader ever!

I shook the blahs a little bit today. Eric and I went to the Festival of Nations today. I had a yummy vegie curry, so I'll be looking for curry recipes to play with over the winter.

I think the allergy problem might send me back to the doctor. I've started waking up in the middle of the night and flopping around for a couple of hours before I can go back to sleep. I had the same problem when we lived in TX and a change in allergy meds fixed it, but I've tried all the non-drowsy OTC ones. I'm going to try Claritin again tonight and see what happens, but I suspect I'll be making an appointment tomorrow.

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