Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fast Week. I Think.

Writing: Just a little more editing. In a related field, I started doing market research, looking for more books like Hope. Not having a lot of luck, which isn't so bad, but I feel like I should have at least one or two to compare it with when I talk to the agents next month. Surely Hope isn't so unique that there isn't another book like it. Anyone know of a historical novel that deals with childhood abuse and faith issues? Or of an easier way of tracking down a book by topic besides trolling Amazon?

Clutter: Eric said something about my frumpy shirts the other night, and I had no idea what he was talking about, so yesterday I made him sit in the closet with me (we have a ginormous walk-in) while I tried on almost every shirt I own. Then I did skirts, dresses and a couple pairs of pants before I puttered out. In the end, almost 1/4 of my wardrobe was gone, all stuff that's too big or never fit well in the first place. I need to go through my shoes, too, because somehow my feet have grown almost another half size. I don't understand it since I've worn the same size since I was 13, but the shoes I've had for years don't fit anymore. (Darn, I see shoe shopping in my future. Sad face. No, not really.)

Health: I was down another pound this morning. (That puts me past the 3 bags of flour mark.) Then we went to Panera for lunch after church, and instead of my usual soup, I got a panini that I hadn't researched beforehand. Long story short, I ate a whole day's worth of points in one meal. So much for my activity point buffer. I'll be having salad for dinner.

Misc: We toured the new high school this afternoon (kicking myself for not putting on my pedometer). It opens in two weeks. It's huge and Vicky is glad she graduated last year!

We're still having issues with Jeli marking. I caught her peeing in my laundry pile yesterday, and I'd scooped litter not 10 minutes before. She's been picking on Chloe, too. I don't think she's being overly aggressive; she's just grown bigger than Chloe, and she likes to play rough. Chloe likes to play rough, too, but Jeli is 9 1/2 lbs to Chloe's 6. Chloe hasn't come out of my bedroom in over a week. I had to move food and litter upstairs for her. She hides under the bed whenever Jeli comes into the room. Ryan has started standing up to her more, which is interesting (he's a lover, not a fighter), and this morning, Tess swatted Jeli while she and Ryan were tussling. I ordered Pet Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower Remedies. I'm going to spike all the water dishes and hope that it chills everyone out because I'm over the cat pee.

Oh, yeah, and Vicky's first day of college is tomorrow. She and the boyfriend are still juggling transportation issues, but that's a rant you don't want to get me started on right now. Both my kids got a double dose of stubborn, and she's wanted to do things her own way since she learned how to say, "Me do!" I'm staying out of the way and mostly keeping my mouth shut.


Jean said...

Over the last twenty years, my feet have increased one-half size at a time from 8.5 mens to 9.5-10 mens (they seem to be in transition again to 10).

The closet try on game is a great way to declutter and get rid of things that don't fit, you don't like, or are worn out. Have fun with the shoes!

Congrats on getting that third bag of flour! Excellent work. Panera is a tough, tough fit points-wise.

Regarding the historical research, there might be something in the Mormon polygamy section that covers those two issues. Not exactly what you're looking for, but there may be some similarities.

Good luck with Jeli's behavioral issues. Those are no fun at all to deal with.

SBB said...

Well, there are novels that deal with abuse and faith, I think, but as for them set in the past, I would think those would be rare. Particularly since so many things that we classify as abuse now weren't addressed back then. Brides of 13 and 14 years old, brutally beating disobedient children, castrating young boys to keep their voices from changing, indenturing children, workhouses, etc. We thankfully live in a more enlightened time where we at least see those things as wrong.

Congrats on the weight loss!

Wendy said...

I know, Stephen. I read an article about Thomas Jefferson last week that made him sound like a pedophile for fathering a child with 15-year-old Sally Hemmings. (Further DNA research has proven that it wasn't Thomas; it was likely his brother who fathered her children.) All I could think was that girls married at 15 in that era, and regardless of her age, she was his slave, and therefore his property. So annoying when people apply modern principles to history.

I know there were things that were socially acceptable that aren't now, but a woman who is raped by her husband is going to suffer trauma no matter when in history it happens.

Wendy said...

Jean, I mentioned to Eric on the way home from church that my shoes weren't fitting right, but I hadn't heard that people's feet grow in middle age. I said it was odd but it wouldn't break my heart to chuck my old shoes and start over, and he just muttered, "Oh shit."


Tammy Jones said...

Sounds like a pretty good week, overall. {{huggs}}

I echo the lack of suggestions for abuse and faith in books - fwiw, I am definitely *not* a Christian fiction reader - but you might try some of the late 19th century classics, like Dickens. While his take on faith is glancing at best, he does write a good bit on poverty, drunkenness, and abusive people.

Wendy said...

Good thought on Dickens, Tammy. That would put me in the category of making something old new again!

Jean, Panera isn't that bad if you're selective. I usually do a low-fat soup or a salad. Yesterday I really wanted a bean burrito but mistakenly thought a panini would be healthier. I should have gone with Taco Bell--it would have saved half the points!

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