Sunday, August 21, 2011

Third but before Wendy!

What? Am I beating Wendy to posting? Woohoo! Now I can tell her it's her turn! It's these small victories that add spice to my life lately. Of course, her news will be better than mine because she's awesome, but still, I was first this week. Have to do a jiggly swingy dance now.


Continuing to write on Circles. Sex has reared its lovely and dangerous head. I confess I'm uncomfortable about confronting the barely 16-year-old Thomas with it, but in his world, he would have been officially declared an adult if he had survived the Testing. So it's consistent and works with the story. Don't worry; no explicit stuff is on its way. I could never write that ... well ... hm. We'll see where the story goes and where we need to draw the curtain. Check out the story (from the beginning) on my blog at the Circles page on 51313 Harbor Street.

Should receive a proof copy of the second edition of Murder by the Acre with its new cover and content either Monday or Tuesday. Very excited about this. If it turns out well, a second edition of Murder by Dewey Decimal is on the horizon. Hoping to have the new MBTA by the time of the Chisholm Trail Book Festival rolls around in September. Deadlines are getting close, though.


Haven't done well this week. My IBD flared Tuesday night, so I've been mostly confined to my house. Very annoying. Not that I miss the exercise, but my blood sugar spikes when I don't exercise. I'm better today. Hope I can resume walking Monday. Besides, I kind of miss my friends at the gym.

Job Search:

I'm stalled out. Don't know any place new to send a resume. I need to update a few that I sent out before. Keep watching the paper and the employment website. Keep my eyes and ears open. A new Radio Shack is going to open soon here. Thought I might try there.


Quite dismal. Living off my savings, and book and card sales. Garage sales. Speaking of the latter, I will be having another one September 1 & 2. I have a bunch of stuff in the back bedroom ready to go. I'd sure like to reduce the clutter.

I still have a bit of money in a retirement account that I can pull if I have to. Sure don't want to, but will do what I have to do to keep my ends meeting.


Well, maybe the increased Vitamin D is helping, but I've been feeling better about things despite all the problems. Maybe I'm just adjusting to the changes finally. Whatever it is, the Black Dog Pack haven't been nipping at my heels as much. I'm profoundly grateful for that.

And that's it for this week. Hope next week will be great for all of us.


Wendy said...

Yeah! Good job Stephen! Doing the happy dance 'cause you beat me this week.

{{Hugs}} on the job search, finances and blood sugar. I know you've been working hard and it must be frustrating to see so few results.

I'm glad to see the Black Dog has moved on. I suspect the Vitamin D is helping with that. It's helping me, too.

Hang in there.

SBB said...

I'm hanging, Wendy! I'm hanging. And I've not reached the end of the rope yet.

Tammy Jones said...

{{huggs}} {{huggs}} {{huggs}} {{huggs}} and more {{huggs}}.

Congrats on losing the black dog, tho. and I, too, bet it's the Vit. D.

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