Monday, August 29, 2011

I think she's gone.

Yesterday Vicky and her friends went to play the Star Wars RPG at the boyfriend's house, so she took Jeli over there to get her acclimated. Apparently, some time during the day, the boyfriend decided she should stay.

I have mixed feelings. On one hand, it's better for us if she's over there. Chloe can stop being a hermit (has, in fact, already stopped), Ryan and Tess won't miss her one bit, and there should be no more laundry peeing. She won't be around to try to push Ryan and Tess out of the way when I feed the herd. On the other hand, Jeli doesn't like the boyfriend. When he would come over here, she would run and hide. I'm concerned that she's going to have a hard adjustment and get into so much mischief over there that he either sends her back or gives her away. At the very least, she'll be alone for longer periods of time with no one to play with, and she's very social for a cat. I'm concerned she may get depressed.

Then there's the fact that Vicky didn't know to tell me Jeli would be leaving. I had no preparation time. I would be lying if I said I wasn't grieving a little. It's so quiet now. I'm not fussing at her to stay out of my water, but I'm not laughing when she comes running to the siren song of the ice maker. I know I'm over-thinking this. I haven't been sleeping well and am hormonal, so my Chicken Little nature is kicking in.

What it all boils down to is the day I knew was coming is here. The timing stinks and it would have been nice to know it was coming this soon, but I can't do anything about it. She's not my cat. I really hope she settles in all right over there. At this point, I can't do this again.


Tammy Jones said...


Fostering is so HARD, especially when they have to leave. I am so, so sorry you're going through this. {{huggs}}

Jean said...

I'll bet Vicky never considered that you'd grown attached to Jeli (and she may have thought the relocation would be no problem because of the peeing and the problems with the other cats).

I hope Jeli's transition goes well -- and your adjustment to her not being there. I still wonder how Roxy and the two kittens we found homes for are doing.

Wendy said...

I wish I had thought of it as fostering. It might have given me a different perspective.

Honestly, Jean, I don't think she had much of a say in the matter, and I'm pretty sure the bf didn't take my feelings into consideration. She did offer to bring Jeli by to visit so I could say goodbye and I told her not to. One more warm kitten snuggle might put me over the edge.

I did tell Eric, maybe a little too emphatically, that we will have no more kittens while Chloe is still with us. She's too old and crotchety to have to go through this again.

I'm better today. I think I've made my peace with it and I'm just trying not to think about it. I enjoyed her, mostly, while she was here.

SBB said...

Wendy, you're a sweet, kind person. I'm quite angry at the boyfriend for hurting you. Jerk.

I do know love is never wasted, and you loved and enjoyed the kitten while you had her. That's a good thing, however bittersweet it might be.

Wendy said...

Aw, thanks, Stephen. He is not our favorite person. Vicky is really the only one in the family who likes him. That's a rant for another day.

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