Saturday, August 13, 2011

Quiet week

Writing: Nothing new. Just editing, which I should be doing right now.

Clutter: We took a small load to Good Will this morning. The plan is to take something every Saturday until we decide we're done. Vague, I know, but vague is better than nothing.

Health: Holding within a half pound of where I stopped. I went to the gym 4 times this week--three times to swim, once for yoga. I'm up to 30 minutes in the pool, and I get 5 activity points each time. I usually hoard my activity points for ice cream.

Misc: Nothing exciting. My sinuses have been achy lately, which affects my energy and concentration. Acupuncture helps, and I've been making liberal use of my peppermint oil.

We had Vicky's orientation at the local community college, and that's when I realized she's a college student now. Both my babies are in college. This is the first of 2 years we've been dreading since they were little--the double tuition bill years. Alex heads back to school tomorrow, and they both start classes the following week. Eric starts Masters classes this week. I will remain in my current education level. I have to be different.


Tammy Jones said...

Congrats on both kids off to college. That's a huge milestone for all of you. {{huggs}}

It sounds like you're doing great on the exercise front, those last few pounds are always tough, I hear. more {{huggs}}

Keep writing, and editing! When is your big read at the conference?

Jean said...

The reason the clutter plan sounds so vague (I think) is because you can't see the end yet. For now, taking a load every Saturday sounds like a great plan.

Sounds like your exercise plan is going well and has good variety.

Wendy said...

That's a great point, Jean. There is no end in sight at this point.

Tammy, I'll be mailing my crit pages Monday, and I'll meet with my critiquer at the conference the last week in September. I won't know when exactly until I get there and see my schedule, but I'll be sure to let y'all know what she says.

SBB said...

I like your clutter plan. Much better than mine, which to attempt to make it fit into a smaller space ... by shoving and pushing and repacking. Sigh.

I use peppermint oil to wake me up. That was your suggestion, and it really helps.

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