Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6 tambometrics

First, I have to tell everyone that nothing exploded, imploded, died, broke, or otherwise complicated our lives this week. Which, frankly, is AWESOME.

I have written a little. Not a lot - it's just about impossible while grieving - but a little. I've done some minor tweaks to Stain, and written a split-scene where Dien 'gently' interrogates a captured criminal. That's just about it. Earlier this week, one of my online writing friends sold her first novel, a YA, in hardcover, so that was really exciting! No news yet on M, but they've had it about 3 weeks now. Trying to keep my fingers crossed.

Bawled a LOT over Malaysia (it's literally all. I. did. Thursday) but maybe I'm finally all cried out. Seeing her pic now doesn't make me cry, I just feel a little tight in the eyes and I can actually smile at her. Miss her still, but it's better. I hope. If I start the endless weeping again I'm going to haul myself to a counselor. I know I'm under a lot of craziness and stress, but this is too much crying for too long.

Laura got her driver's license!! YIPPEEEEE!!! It's about time! lol Everything with her pregnancy is going well and we bought too many baby clothes at the mall clearance sales today. Hey, getting a 2-piece Carter's outfit for $3, I'm there, baby! 

We also shopped for clothes for Laura today since she's interviewing for a job at the new Kohl's on Monday. I hope she gets it, even if we aren't going to be here long, because she really needs to get out of the house and converse with people her own age, or at least someone besides her parents.

New dishwasher is installed and so far so good there.  Ran it for the first time this afternoon while we were gone. I haven't unloaded it yet, but I don't expect any issues.

Bill actually gets a real weekend this weekend. He got off work at 1pm today (Saturday) and doesn't have to be back until  4:30am Tues morning. So all of Sunday and Monday off, plus Saturday afternoon and evening. We went driving around the country and ended up in Des Moines to visit with his dad before heading back up here. Was nice.

Had another showing and they LOVED the house, especially the bathroom and kitchen, but didn't like that we didn't have central air. They're thinking about it. Whee. 

Back down to where I was before the big end-of-July-implosion. Now it's not so much stress eating as I don't want to eat, unless I sit down specifically TO eat, then I don't want to stop. Sigh. Walked some today at the farmer's market and at the mall with Laura. My feet are a little achy, but I've noticed the past few days that my pulled muscle in my butt doesn't hurt much anymore. An occasional achy twinge, but nothing like it's been hurting, so that's pretty good, I think!

Everything Else
Either the power cord for my Mac is dying, or the port that it plugs into is, because every now and then it'll switch to battery, even though it's plugged in. VERY worrisome and I've been super diligent about emailing my active book files to myself. With all the other stuff we've had to pay for lately - and M not yet selling - I can't justify buying a new puter. Hopefully it'll last a little bit longer.


SBB said...

Glad to head things are on an even keel for a while! You deserve a break.

Jean said...

Yay for the first sentence! Congrats to Laura for braving the driver license test and passing. Booo for the Mac power cord.

Glad the butt muscle is doing better. Sounds like a better week for you and yours.

Wendy said...

Sounds like things are looking up. Finally! Congratulate Laura for me, too, and tell her good luck at Kohl's. Hopefully she'll get in and be there long enough to transfer to a store wherever you end up. I hesitate to ask, but does the exbf know she may be moving out of state?

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