Saturday, August 13, 2011

Of writing and weather and other things

How ye be doing? Well, actually I guess I know since all the other Createslaters have already posted. Here's how be with me.


11,000 words or so on Circles. I didn't start out to write a steampunk novel. No, it was going to be a group of kids who attended a magic school and learned to work together when they were Tested at graduation time. Instead, they were attacked by soldiers in a dirigible. One of them died. Most all of the other students were slaughtered. A concubine trafficked with evil spirits. An emperor of the most powerful nation on their earth revealed his powerlessness. An extinct creature out of nightmare attacked a squadron of gyrocopters. I'm so far off my outline that there's no point in pretending I have one anymore.

I'm having great fun with with. Don't know if it will lead anywhere, but it's been so long since I really really really enjoyed writing that I'm delighted and willing to ride this story as far as it will go.

I signed up for CampNaNoWriMo, but I'm not going to make 50,000 words. I'm frankly disappointed in the camp. I expected the events and forums of NaNoWriMo. Not so much. Still, maybe it will grow. Not blaming that, however, for me not making the 50,000. The writing isn't going that fast, but that's okay. Words on paper, words on paper.


Well, it's here. Sold a few more birthday cards. Got to figure out a way to put them online so people can buy them like that. Perhaps they can't be as personalized, but I could reach a larger audience. My card "company" is Oakleaf Harbor Cards.


Nothing. In face, more clutter as I've gathered card making supplies. I've only had to buy a couple of things. I had most of the needed supplies in various boxes and closets. (Score one for the packrats!) Slowly I'm getting everything in one place.


Continuing to walk. Doing okay, but wish I could get my two miles in less time so I could add more exercises. Maybe some weights. More muscle is good.

Blood sugar is just okay. I keep cheating and eating things I shouldn't. I get so hungry at times. Bought some low cal and low carb treats today. Hoping they will help me slay the hungry beast when it comes ahuntin' me.


We finally got some rain! An inch or so. We're still nearly 20 inches behind for the year so it didn't break the drought, but it sure was nice. We had days in the low 90s and nights in the low 70s. The forecast calls for more 100+ days ahead. Sigh.

And finally, a bit of advice that I'm trying to take to heart.


Jean said...

One snack I find works really well for me (and costs zero points* on WW -- YMMV), is small apples. I prefer the crisp, not-too sweet crunch of gala apples, but you can usually find Macintosh or Granny Smith in this size. I say the small ones in bags, because the large individually sold ones always seem too large for me -- yet I'm perfectly comfortable eating two of the smaller apples. I think it's a perspective thing.

You can go with other fruits, but the apples keep well and aren't messy to eat. Bananas are another free food, but I'm not as drawn to them. The apples have a cool, wetness to them that fits my mouth in a way it enjoys.

Strawberries have been my chocolate this year. I can buy a container of strawberries, cut the tops off, wash them, and eat the whole container (also a free food on WW). They are nice and satisfying, too. (When you can find them in good shape for $1.50 a container, they're priced like chocolate bars, too!)

* Zero points for fresh fruits. Canned are only free if they are packed in water, and that's hard to find. Dried and juices will hit you up for points, so be careful. (OJ is supposed to be really bad for diabetics, but I'm sure you've been warned about that already.)

Tammy Jones said...

Congrats on the words! Woot!! {{hugggs}} on everything else.

Wendy said...

Great job on the words. I was surprised by the gyrocoptors and the dragon.

Do you have time constraints that prevent you from walking and lifting weights? I ask only because if you can build some muscle mass, you will burn fat faster. Even an extra ten or fifteen minutes after you walk might do you some good.

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