Saturday, August 20, 2011

Week 33

Really.  Yes. We're 33 weeks into the year 2011.  September is coming, and, I hope, the end of this infernal drought we're experiencing here in Texas.

Polar Bear on the Loose -  I remain stalled.  I will get moving on it again.  I'm sure it is a matter of overcoming the brain freeze I experience each and every time I see the word "conflict."  It's silly, really.  I'll figure it out. -  I've still participating in this.  Some days go better than others, but I always get the words.

Camp NaNoWriMo - I've written 6056 words this month by making an entry each and every day of some kind geared toward brainstorming new ideas.  I'm sure there's some brainstorming value in yesterday's entry, scrawly quickly before heading to bed, "I thought I had an idea for today, but it slipped my mind."  Fortunately, most days aren't that bad.  I'll never reach 50k, but that hasn't been my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo.  My goal has been to generate some words that may be useful someday, and that is happening.

Internet Responsibilities - I've done a couple of blog entries, run some analysis at FM, and generally wandered around the internet, not causing too much trouble.

Pets -
- Millie is getting obnoxious about wanting in the house in the afternoon.   I try to bring her in when local weather shows on my Firefox Add-On indicates the temperature reaches a hundred, but, today, the thermometer on the back porch read 105, so maybe she was yipping to come in when her ambient temperature was at 100.  I'll have to check tomorrow.  Maybe the dog knows something I don't.
- The cats are a barrel of laughs, as always.

- The yard is about three-quarters green in some way, shape, or form --usually with weeds.
- Keeping up with dishes, laundry, and basic household chores (this isn't particularly unusual)
- Hubby is back in town
- I packed up the yard sale stuff at the shop and cleared that side of the showroom so hubby can paint the ceiling and walls whenever he gets around to it
- I filled the two seven gallon water jugs with water in the event we need emergency water.  That's the beginning of getting emergency water set aside.  The containers are available at WalMart for about $8 and are stackable.  We plan to rotate the water annually but spreading it on the lawn and refilling the containers.  We'll get more containers as we think of it when we're in Wal-Mart.  It's an easy preparedness measure.
- I received new batteries for the old electric lawn mower this week, but when I tried to use up the charge on the original batteries, I was able to mow two-thirds of the front yard.  Maybe those batteries aren't as spent as I thought.  I taped the box on the new batteries and stored them in the closet under the back stairs for using at a later date.
- Two new mower blades for the new electric lawn mower arrived this week, and they're ready to install (it only takes one) whenever I feel like it -- probably not for this season.

- Weight showed as down 1.2 pounds this week (still above my lowest weight by almost a pound), so I'm okay from that perspective, but I'm not pleased with how I'm doing with handling my program points.  I am pleased that I've been basically stable for the last month plus.  I figure I'm on an inadvertent maintenance while I deal with some mental issues.
- I've been concerned about when the mental aspects of weight loss were going to kick in.  I'm not sure what the best approach is at this point.  I'm reassessing where I'm at and what I plan to do going forward.
- Right leg status.  I have a podiatry appointment for my foot and a rheumatology appointment for my knee.  That was an unexpected but, I think, welcome development.  I was anticipating an orthopedics referral, but when the staff explained a little about what rheumatology does, I'm interested to see how it works out.  I'm sure part of their reason for referring that way is the proximity of a staff member for the appointment, but I'm willing to pursue that avenue.  I've never been confident surgery would be the right answer for this problem, so I'm very interested in seeing what alternatives might be available.


Tammy Jones said...

{{huggs}} All in all it sounds like a productive week, but you don't seem happy about much of it.

Btw, could Millie want to become a house dog?

Jean said...

Wow. Look at all that white space at the end of my post.

I'll bet Millie would LOVE to be a house dog. If she didn't eat all the cat food from the tower and those tasty Baby Ruths from the cat box when not closely supervised, I'd consider it. We've been trying to include her more, so it could still happen. I realize there's learning curve. I took her to the shop with me yesterday afternoon. She laid down next to hubby and me while he worked.

I'm trying a different approach on PBOTL. I'm incorporating identifying the conflict in each scene into my brainstorming document for Camp NaNoWriMo. I'm going through my scene cards and just documenting the conflict inherent in each scene. I've already identified two where there should be a potential for some nice, story changing conflict, but it's not there. I'm cautiously encouraged. Why should Inuit and Malinda just get along and work well together? That's too easy. Malinda has grabbed her from the Artic and dragged her to NY and subjected her to surgery for a vocalizer implant. I think, even with a "sense that it will be okay" that Inuit would be bewildered and confused about what's happening to her. I would think that would make for a rough start on a relationship.

SBB said...

Jean, I agree with Tammy: you did have a productive week. I think the heat is sapping our enjoyment of simple things. I know I'm ready for fall.

I'm so looking forward to reading PBOTL. Everything you've shared about it intrigues me. Vocalizer implant? Cool idea.

Wendy said...

Thanks for the tip on the water containers. That's the one thing I've been concerned about storing.

I'll make unanimous the sentiment that you had a productive week. Unfortunately, productive does not always equal fun.

Let us know what the doctors say and if we can help you sort through the mental weight loss issues.

Jean said...

These are the ones I'm finding at Walmart of less than $11 (just got two more today, and I had the price wrong above):

Note they are stackable. Note the customer photo in this link: They are stacked and covered with a contractor trash bag (to keep the dust and dirt off). The photographer has a review posted. This would make several water containers take up just a small space in the corner of the garage (we're keeping ours at the shop).

I'm going to see if I can find a couple of 2.5 gallon containers a little cheaper than on Amazon -- maybe at Academy -- to use as a transfer device.

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