Saturday, August 6, 2011

Me again!

All in all it was a quiet week.

Writing: Y'all have seen what I've been up to this week, and I really appreciate the feedback. For the record, it's very helpful to have my writing ripped to shreds. I reserve the right to take or not take advice, but a lot of times what makes sense to me doesn't to anyone else. Criticism makes my writing stronger.

Clutter: Progress! I packed up some 'heirloom' stuff from my sideboard and opened up space to store other things. Of course, I haven't gotten anything new in there yet, but at least I got that much done. I need more plastic boxes, and I still need to make a Good Will drop-off.

Health: Weight is holding steady as of Thursday. I haven't weighed since then, and after looking over my food log today I'm not so sure I want to weigh in tomorrow! Who knew spinach artichoke dip had so many points? Apparently, spinach and artichokes are healthy; it's the dip that gets you into trouble! I did get to the gym three times last week. At some point I'm going to add a Saturday swimming session, but I may wait another couple weeks until summer swim lessons are over. It's so much easier not to have to deal with other people's kids in the pool. Adding Saturdays will get me a 4th day at the gym well ahead of when I had planned. I'll take that small victory.

Misc: We got school supplies bought for the year, and I went with Vicky to the Community College bookstore to get the books she can get ahead of time. She's going to rent her chemistry book, and she has to wait for the first day of math class to find out which book her professor wants them to use. Oh, and I found Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream on sale at Office Depot when we were school shopping. I'd just been thinking that my cuticles were looking very ragged. Score! It doesn't take much to make me smile.


Tammy Jones said...

Mmmm. Spinach avocado dip!

Num num!!

Sounds like a pretty great week. I hope I wasn't too brutal, it really is an awesome beginning with lots of questions left to answer, and the synopsis is really good!

Wendy said...

Oh, no, you weren't too brutal. I'm a big girl--I can take it! Almost everything you said was right on the money. It's the synopsis that surprises me, but I can't read it like an agent would so I'll polish it up and call it good. The real test will be applying your suggestions to the rest of the book!

SBB said...

Wendy, I enjoyed the excerpt. I was actually sorry I read the synopsis -- I hate to know how a story ends before I get to read it! Still, I'm looking forward to seeing how you flesh out your story.

You can make a pretty decent spinach avocado dip by combining a cup of chopped spinach, half an avocado, pinch of salt and pepper, no-fat ranch dressing, two tablespoons of no-fat sour cream. Put all in a food processor or blender and blend until creamy. Then I chop up a small tomato and fold it in. You can add red pepper flakes if you'd like to add some fire.

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