Monday, August 1, 2011

Last week

I signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo today. Yes, the heat has driven me crazy. Yes, I will probably not complete the 50,000 words ... but I might, too.

Here's my news for last week.


My car stopped running, and after spending $300 on it (that I didn't have and had to borrow) it still doesn't run. Don't know yet what to do, but will attempt to get it to a mechanic this week.

The toilet backed up into the bathtub. Had to call a Mr. Rooter. Turns out tree roots have invaded the sewer line. Mr. Rooter cleaned it out for now, but line needs to be dug out soon and fixed. More money. Bathtub was scrubbed and bleached.


Started a new fantasy novel on my blog. Circles. Don't know where it's going yet, but it's the most fun I've had in a long time. It's also going to be my CampNaNoWriMo novel.

Two rejections from two agents on two different novels. Poor Dragons Gather and Darkness, Oklahoma. I hope they find a home someday.

I remain muddled in Murder by the Mile. Well, not muddled, just tired. I know how to fix it -- lots of cutting and rewriting -- but I can't work up enthusiasm for it.


Continuing to walk at the fitness center. My blood sugar is dropping slowly. Making progress. Weight loss is still stalled, but it will come. Started working with barbells Thursday.


Saturday was my birthday. I turned the big five-oh. And my roomie and friends conspired to throw me a surprise birthday party! It was the first surprise party I've ever had. Very awesome! Family and friends with cake and cards. I was delighted and humbled.

And that was my week. After reading everyone else's week ... mine wasn't bad. And all of y'all are in my prayers and thoughts. We're going to make it through these problems and this heat. As long as we hold on. And we will.


Jean said...

I hope you're able to get the car running again. You've been coaxing it along for way too long already, but you don't have many other options.

I was still logged in to CampNaNoWriMo, so I decided to sign up for a novel titled "Brainstorming." Yes, I'm going to brainstorm for the month and take whatever words I get for it. Last month was a little over 4K. I told it I wanted a cabin by myself.

Ugh on the sewer line back up. I was so fortunate the time I had that happen to me that it was the washer that backed up, so the water was pretty clean and easy to clean up. I do love bleach for just those occasions.

You are doing simply awesome things for your health. Keep working ahead a little at a time. It WILL pay off for you.

I love the Big 5-0. Will be sorry to see it in my rearview mirror this week. But that just means I'm trucking on towards sixty. Oh, my!

SBB said...

Car's still down. Can't figure out how to get it to the mechanic and then to pay him. Wonder of Congress would bail me out?

Cool! I don't have anyone in my cabin. I'm going to set up a hot tub there.

Sewer line troubles continue today. Sigh.

Thanks! It's quite hard, but quite necessary.

What day is your birthday?

Jean said...


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