Saturday, August 27, 2011

tambometrics August 27th

I'm not going to do a full breakdown, just a quick post if that's okay.

Bill received notice on Wednesday that they're ceasing processing at his plant next Saturday (Sept 3). He can't be laid off without a congressional action - it's against the postal union contract - so that's good, but we don't know if he'll be Excessed (forced to take a different job in a different permanent location and ultimately relocate our family), Detailed (transported and housed - at postal expense - at another temporary location) or On Standby (where he goes to his current location, clocks in, and sits all day every day, paid for doing nothing).

We're not thrilled with any of those options, frankly (especially considering travel time and a likely cut in pay as he loses weekends and overtime), but it's happening next weekend and we'll adapt accordingly. We've already cancelled the satellite dish, and are prepared to cut out the land line and internet, if we need to. Mostly, we will have to sell the house, since our payment is almost precisely half of Bill's new monthly income. We simply cannot afford to stay here much longer.

I'm on chapter 5 of Stain of Corruption - stalled since the new posty news this week - and I'm reasonably happy with it, at least so far.

Otherwise, nothing around here has changed, at least not that I can think of. I hope you all have a great weekend and a fabulous next week!


Wendy said...

I guess it's good that he can't be laid off and you'll have some income, but jeez, it seems like they could have let you know a little sooner. It sounds like Detailed is the least of the evils. Hopefully the right buyer will find you SOON! Hang in there, hon.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, Wendy! {{huggs}}

Jean said...

Hugs as you wade into the next wave of uncertainty. I'm glad you're happy with where things are with STAIN.

SBB said...

Tammy, I'm praying for y'all and sending as much good positive energy your way that I can. Wish I could help. :(

Wendy said...

I wish we could move to Iowa and buy your house!

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